Self Check-in Information - Waikiki Marina

Checking-in is very quick.
In the apartment we have detailed apartment information (like Internet passwords, how to use the TV remote, etc) on the TV table or coffee table. You may call or text us anytime if you have any questions.

When you arrive at the building:

1) Call or text us from your car.

2) You will need to take a picture of your ID and text or email it to us as we need to verify your personal identification as the person that booked the condo.

3) We will send you the lockbox code and apartment door code (these codes are changed after each guest). Inside the lockbox is an electronic key, called FOB. It is a small black box. This FOB is the building key for the front door and remote for the parking gate.


To go to the Lockbox.

At the end of the Driving Directions you should be parked to the right side of the handicap stalls. Look to the Right or towards the Mailboxes and you will see many lock boxes.

Our Lockbox is on the 1st row on the LEFT of the double doors. It is the 2nd lockbox you will see the name Glorien on the back.


Open the black cover and enter the code. Push down the Black Bar and pull open the metal cover.

After you remove the building/parking FOB  (key), please lock the lockbox and close the cover.

When you Check-Out you need the FOB for the parking gate to exit so please be sure to return the FOB to the lockbox.

Remember you can call or text us if you have any questions.

If you Do Not have a car:

You can go straight to your apartment. Enter the lobby using the FOB. Our unit is on the 24th floor, unit 2403. Exit the elevators and turn LEFT.

To open your apartment door, enter your door code. The "Schlage" button above the numbers will flash green. Then turn the door handle and push open the door.

Cleaning is very important to us and we use a professional cleaning company and they do an excellent job but if they missed something then please call us immediately and we will ask the cleaning person to come back today or tomorrow and take care of any problems.

If you have a car:

Open the parking gate (right side of the Lobby) by pushing the button on the FOB. Drive slow since the parking stall is First stall on the Right side as soon as the ground levels off after the short uphill section. The stall is on the Right or Behind you. Stall number 2403.




To Exit the parking: You will NEED your FOB to open the parking gate and exit the parking. You need to press the FOB to open the gate.

Go to the elevators.





Your apartment is on the 24th floor, unit 2403. Exit the elevators and turn LEFT.

To open your apartment door, enter your door code. The "Schlage" button above the numbers will flash green. Then turn the door handle and push open the door.

Cleaning is very important to us and we use a professional cleaning company and they do an excellent job but if they missed something then please call us immediately and we will ask the cleaning person to come back today or tomorrow and take care of any problems.


Have a great vacation!!!!